The name is an abbreviation of Dynamic Signature Generator.
So what does it do?
This is a handy little program that will add a randomly selected quote to
the bottom of your email or newsreader signature, and (if requested) will
switch quotes at regular intervals.
Why not? Seriously, though, I got bored with having the same email
signature over and over again, so I thought it would be more interesting to
have one that displayed different quotes.
Okay, so where is it?
I decided that I didn't like the code all that much, so I've taken the
program off; I'm slooowwwly overhauling it (and in fact rewriting most of
it!). I'll put it back up once I've tidied the code up, or if enough
people tell me they want the old version back :)
Why is it taking so long?
Mostly because I'm doing other things -- Mirality Systems software is only
a hobby, not my day job, so I can't devote all that much time to it. And
quite frankly, at the moment DynaSig is not high on my list of priorities
when I do get some time to work on my software. That may change
(especially if people say they're interested in it), but for now, don't
expect it any time soon.